Santa Muerte Gang
Shoot N Drive

What is Shoot & Drive?
It is a competitive mode in GTA for Crew Battles, Tournaments and Leagues.
Each Team select the same number of races than deathmatches to create the playlist
Example: Team A select 2 races and 2 deathmatches and Team B select 2 races and 2 deathmatches too, so the palylist have 4 races and 4 deathmatches
Playlist size recommended: 8 maps
Main Rules: No modded accounts allowed, fair play and respect.
Points and Winner
Race map Winner: The winner of the Race is the team who gets more points in this race adding the points of all the players of the team
Deathmatch map Winner: The winner of the map is the one designated by the game once the match is over. This applies to other combat maps types, if they are included in the list (LTS, Capture, KOTH...)
Each map gives 1 point to the team who win of the map.
At the end of the playlist the team who gets more points is the winner.
Deathmatch Rules
Weapons: Forced and Pick ups
No Off Radar
No Lester
No Bulletproof Helmets, masks or outfits
No melee Deathmatches
Racing Rules
Non-contact Races
No parkour races
No hard stunt races
No troll races