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Ready for GameBlast22!

Updated: Feb 23, 2022

Every year, gamers from all over the world collaborate during a weekend with Charity Streams to raise funds for SpecialEffect in the annual charity gaming marathon weekend called GameBlast

Last year we had an invite from Vinewood Motors to take part in his GTA's charity Stream.

The experience was incredible so we are happy to support Gameblast22!

We caught up with Vinewood Motors to know what's in store for us at Gameblast22 and find out more about the man behind the scenes.

Gameblast22 - Interview with Vinewood Motors

- When did you start collaborating with GameBlast and what were the reasons?

- I started in 2017, originally it was going to be 2016 but due to some health concerns I didn't think it would have been a good idea. The main reason I started to get involved with GameBlast is that for me gaming is an escape sometimes, and I think everyone deserves a chance to escape into another world, so when I found out that there is a charity called SpecialEffect that help disabled people of all ages play video games. I knew that if I could help raise a few quid it would help at least one person play video games.

- What was your target for Gameblast21?

- Our original goal was to match our first-ever GameBlast which was £1,800. We managed to raise well over £2,500 before the stream even began in 2021!

- What do you expect from Gameblast22?

- Honestly, I do expect much, I think it's great that the Rockstar Community always comes out strong when it comes to GameBlast. Going back to the first question we all know what it is like to escape for a few hours and we all do our part to help those who find it a struggle.

- Can you give us a preview of what you have in mind for your 24h Gameblast22 stream?

- So this GameBlast is shaping up well, if you're a Red Dead Redemption Fan, we're hoping to get an extra special guest on to talk to us and play for a little while, but we can't really confirm this until the end of the week. Our games include GTA online, Red Dead Online, Golf With Your Friends, DiRT 5, Fall Guys, Gang Beasts, Among Us & Gartic Phone.

That sounds really fun!

Finally, some quick questions to know a little more about you:

- What are your three favorite videogames?

- GTA V, GTA IV and Cyberpunk. I'm really into my open-worlds. You can path the story the way you want some time, and that's what I like.

- Your favorite character from the GTA saga?

- Hard one that, I think they all represent themselves in their own way, but I really liked Niko. He wanted to live that American dream but had a lot of obstacles in the way.

- Your favourite Film/Serie?

- My favorite film is The Warriors, it's an old film but I just love everything about it! TV series, The US Office I could watch that all day, every day!

- What is your favorite food?

- My Favorite food, ahaha. Asda Pizza. Meatballs, Steak, Bacon, and Pepperoni with a BBQ base.

- Pizza with or without pineapple?

- Pineapple doesn't belong on pizza, ever. It's like putting strawberries on pizza. IT'S A FRUIT.

- A place to lose yourself?

- Put my headphones on listening to some music, jump into the Rockstar editor and just take a load of snaps.

- Can you tell us something curious about yourself?

- Something curious? Hmmm okay. I used to live in America, Miami and out of all my family, I'm the only one who doesn't speak Spanish.

Well, we can help with the last one amigo!

We wish you the best luck for the stream, See you on 26th!

Dont miss it!

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